
As a presence in the commercial design and manufacturing industry, Calpak USA, Inc. constantly provides innovative manufacturing expertise to its commercial sector customers. Having a keen understanding of the challenges and complexities that our customers face, it enables us to implement strategic and technical competencies. Calpak leads the development of rapid design, prototyping, and manufacturing strategies for its customers. Calpak’s experience with hundreds of commercial products such as:

Calpak has a keen understanding of the unique challenges that companies in this marketplace face and offers valuable solutions that factor in time-to-market, cost optimization, cash conservation, and scalability. Our goal is to empower our customers to realize their full market potential.

Creating a business model focused on providing customer value, Calpak has emerged as one of the bestand cost-effective EMS providers for complex, technologically advanced commercial services. With a solid portfolio of technical capabilities, Value-Analysis/Value Engineering (VA/VE) services, Made IN U.S.A. manufacturing support and vertically integrated operations, we deliver the lowest total costs with superior customer service—our talented engineering teams with their strong experience work with advanced technologies giving our customers the ability to evolve past their competition in product innovation.

Industrial expertise and technical capabilities:

We encourage you to learn more about what makes Calpak unique and how we can support your highly complex products with a value proposition that impacts your bottom line and reduces cost.